So, I make t-shirts, as some people may know.
I have an independent design company thats nameless, where I take in ideas and hand draw them onto shirts. Which is fun and you should buy one!! (Link Coming Soon!)
I also design shirts digitally! And submit them to sites like Threadless Where people vote on shirts, the shirts get reviewed, and if the administrators like them the designer is rewarded 2,500 in cash and prizes.
So first of all, If you click that link ^ you can buy a bunch of cool shirts, FOR CHEAP, also if you click the link down there v you can vote on MY shirt! So here's the deal. The first 5 people who vote on my shirt [$5 please ;)], then report back to me [via PM or email if you have my email] will receive the shirt for FREE if it gets printed. But getting printed requires as much votes as possible, so VOTE IT UP, and TELL YOUR FRIENDS.
Please and Thank You,