Thanks to some Totally awesome permission given by Tom Fulp Himself
We (myself and darrin[the co-host]) Bring to you, The The NG REVIEW SHOW currently the video is still in the quality processing on YouTube so th equality isnt the final resolution as of yet. We are also not sponsored by anyone, so this was all done in one weekend with no income, there was no "proper" lighting and editing was very hard to do on a computer not made for editing, BUT we love Newgrounds and would do ANYTHING to give it some more promotion, so here you go, a weekly show reviewing the best of the best animationsmade by the top artists on Newgrounds. :D Please, enjoy!! and rate and subscribe :D
Is your show only about animations?
No its both animations and games, but only the ones on the top 15 list, unless were doing a special.
thanks for asking!