Hop aboard the Choo CHoo! Train :D

Levi McCandless @Tagger54

Age 32, Male

Joined on 6/18/08

Exp Points:
1,470 / 1,600
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5.41 votes
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Tagger54's News

Posted by Tagger54 - May 10th, 2009

Holy shitfags and waterballoons.
I'm NOT FAILING..........any of my classes, BUT I am failing pretty bad at flash right now because I am a lazy practically ADD and OCD FREAK when It comes to getting a flash done.

And I'm getting pissy from it. sad faces guys...(I actually frowned when I typed that)

BUT, have no fear I have written a new quick script about a boy without an ****. Its a secret :D
So be joyous for that yes?

For now enjoy a picture drawn with the ass of a mouse.

OH! and happy mothers day, to all of you people that may actually be a mother...Good luck. :D

Ohhh tits! HMD

Posted by Tagger54 - May 2nd, 2009

A video Proving my Artist status on newgrounds...

Theres an old lady in it.


Posted by Tagger54 - April 10th, 2009

Just a little log on a few funnies of the day.
I was just watching a video from the front page and I noticed that someone commented on a video ( I will spare the name for now lol) there comment stated " episode 9 and 10 werent that great but 10 was hilarious" I couldn't help but laugh. It was great.

On a separate note, I have been making t-shirts for a site called Threadless I think a few users on here would have some great potential to use a site like that. Well anyway, I've recently submitted a new t-shirt and am waiting for its approval, until then here is a pic of it. :D

On another note..I just lost all my files because my computer crashed....Holy shit, I can no longer post my big project for my new series because it is gone, along with Bean Boy. So right now I am recording some random audio files to animate and put on here that way i can still have show for what I can do with flash.
But to salvage some of my files that were on other sites and can be reloaded through saving them I made a .tk site for stuff like that in order to make it possible to save my files on the web just in case of another massive disaster like this. the site is called LeviRand.tk I hope you enjoy it.

Yes, when atomic rainbows appear ecplosions happen in the North AND South.

Posted by Tagger54 - March 14th, 2009

Newgrounds really is a place for everyone to make EVERYTHING
I made a picture lol Wanted to show it to people and I dont have enough of them to make a slideshow type thing in flash so here you go :D

This Is A Picture Made Of Words

Posted by Tagger54 - March 7th, 2009


I notice a lot of people already have sites where they can find sounds and stuff like that, but i also have one, you guys probably already know about it so if you do just by-pass this.
The site is called Sound Snap.com without spaces of coarse. Its only free to get 5 downloads every 30 days, but the sound quality is absolutely amazing, so don't let that bring you down.

Just thought I'd let you guys know that.

Posted by Tagger54 - February 24th, 2009

(Finally) I have started working on Bean Boy again.
I finished the audio not too long ago and started animating about three days ago. I was going to re-do some of the audio with my P2 but I wanted to saver the audio that I already had because it involved a friend that I hadn't seen for a long time.

The movie will be released under Splat Productions, and Blurrr Animations,
be looking out for it soon. Well maybe soon, I'm not positive about the overall length.

Posted by Tagger54 - January 13th, 2009

Holy POOPSICKLE!!!! (I don't know who started that but i think its a very smart statement :D)
Soon to be in the works (after ScRIPTING yes I did finally start my first script, hit 6 pages two days ago, feels good)

A series that has been started in the seventh grade and officially started in the tenth, IS COMING TO A NEWGROUNDS NEAR YOU ( approximately 10-20 inches in front of your face, unless your one of those people that sit really close like they have something to hide, ew, just think of the possibilities, dirty dirty people)

Visit the site (not finished, or even close to being finished) for some sneak peaks and never before seen interviews with the creators themselves Levi (Me-The Animator/concept artist/author/producer/music editor) and Josh(my friend/ secondary writer/ music writer) (which are not posted yet because of a three state separation but please don't get pissy im working on it.)

beanboyofficial.webs.com yeah its a webs and not an official [dot] webs [site but were working on that just be patient my little assmonkeys.

sit tight, for the shit will; shoot out.

Posted by Tagger54 - August 30th, 2008


Will Quinn break under the pressure?


Bad Day

Posted by Tagger54 - July 27th, 2008

ok so I know know I've been extrememly inactive since i got this account
so for the next week, since im off work, im creating a music video short for the song at the end of smother by the used

the song is about quesedillas